The difference between hiking and walking is mostly one of degree and can be easily seen in terms of the terrain covered and the distance traveled. Generally speaking, hiking refers to walking that takes place at a leisurely pace on trails or open country while walking refers to walking that takes place at a brisk […]
An Alamere Falls hike is an outstanding introduction to the beauty of Point Reyes Peninsula. Here is everything you need to know to make this hike memorable. Alamere Falls plunges down a steep cliff located on the east side of Point Reyes National Seashore. The National Seashore is a stunningly beautiful place to visit, with […]
If you’ve ever been stuck in the rain while hiking, you know how important it is to have a good rain jacket in your backpack. In this article, we will discuss the best jackets for hiking in the rain. And what to consider when buying a quality hiking jacket. Quick Story: We had just moved […]
Whether you like to explore remote places like caves, or simply want an early start or a late finish to the day, a good hiking headlamp is a practical tool to have on your hike. In this buyer’s guide, we will help you determine what is the best headlamp for hiking. When my son, Seth, […]
If you are on a long hike, is it safe to drink water from a river? Should you boil the water first? What if you don’t have time to boil the water? What is the best way to purify water for drinking? Are water purification tablets good for backpacking? These are questions you should know […]
The best hiking knife should be ultralight, affordable, and durable. If you are looking for the best knife to carry while backpacking then it should be reliable and easy to use too. People who go hiking have a few things in common. They spend a lot of time outdoors, they enjoy the beauty of nature […]
Are you a hiker or backpacker? Maybe you’ve come across a bear in the wild. Do you know what to do when hiking where there are bears? If not, these tips will help you avoid dangerous situations and survive if you encounter one. Did you know that bear attacks on humans are more common than […]
Are hiking shoes good for normal walking? Can you wear regular hiking boots on pavement? Is it ok to hike in regular running shoes? Can you wear a heavier boot while hiking in wet weather? After I bought my first pair of ‘real’ hiking shoes I had these questions. Although I found my shoes on […]
You have probably read or heard people talking about how hiking is one of the best exercises you can do. You know it as a great way to get in shape and stay fit. But you are wondering, will hiking build leg muscle? Well, the answer to that is a resounding yes! Here’s how hiking […]
Will hiking help me lose weight? You bet! We break down the top health benefits of hiking and offer a few tips on the best hikes for weight loss. Plus, use our hiking calculator to measure your results. Hiking is about enjoying the great outdoors. But there are health benefits attached to hiking. Weight loss […]