Hiking vs Walking: Is There A Difference? And Does It Even Matter?

The difference in hiking vs walking

The difference between hiking and walking is mostly one of degree and can be easily seen in terms of the terrain covered and the distance traveled.  Generally speaking, hiking refers to walking that takes place at a leisurely pace on trails or open country while walking refers to walking that takes place at a brisk […]

Everything You Need To Know About An Alamere Falls Hike

Alamere Falls Hike

An Alamere Falls hike is an outstanding introduction to the beauty of Point Reyes Peninsula. Here is everything you need to know to make this hike memorable. Alamere Falls plunges down a steep cliff located on the east side of Point Reyes National Seashore. The National Seashore is a stunningly beautiful place to visit, with […]

Will Hiking Help Me Lose Weight? Here’s How To Track It! [Free Calculator]

Woman hiking to lose weight

Will hiking help me lose weight? You bet! We break down the top health benefits of hiking and offer a few tips on the best hikes for weight loss. Plus, use our hiking calculator to measure your results. Hiking is about enjoying the great outdoors. But there are health benefits attached to hiking. Weight loss […]